Monday, August 18, 2014

rue Mouffetard

Rue Mouffetard is a tourist's dream. It's a small cobbled street that climbs up a hill and is lined with varied shopping opportunities and multiple restaurants serving just about anything you could ask for. I've seen French, Greek, Mexican, and Asian offerings. It's usually jammed with tourists, but Thora and I usually visit in the morning before many shops are open to do some serious window shopping and looking around.

At the bottom of the hill in the Square Medard are a couple of cafes, our favorite boulangerie (bakery), a fruit stand, a children's playground, and the St. Medard church. I love any place with a historical marker. Here's the one outside Saint Medard.

You probably know more French than I do, but when I see a date like 1163,  I am in love. Apparently an abbey called Saint Genevieve stood on this site. The basic church that stands here today was begun in the mid-16th century.

Surrounding the church are gardens, a playground, and a small cafe.
cafe and fruit stand

As you begin to walk up Mouffetard, look to your left. There is the most amazing mural on the building there.

The following will give you an idea how charming the street is. Maybe when you come to Paris you'll stroll rue Mouffetard.

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